Guard for Life Heroes Congratulated on Job Well Done
Spending the summer by the water and in the sun, lifeguarding can be a fun job—but it also requires a lot of diligence and responsibility. This week, we’d like to congratulate two lifeguards who have exemplified these qualities and shown commitment to outstanding performance at their pool: Collin Groves and Lindsay Mallott.
Frequent pool patron John J. Gannon submitted a heartfelt testimonial on their behalf, calling for both guards to be recognized for their professional drive and attentiveness. He praised Groves for his “outstanding response” last week as Groves rushed to the aid of a swimmer in trouble. Gannon said that his family regularly swims at the pool and that he has noticed Groves’ “professional sense of duty on numerous other occasions as well,” but wanted to extend his thanks for the guard’s “timely response” in aiding a swimmer in distress. John also shared that Groves’ fellow guard Mallott has demonstrated “sustained professional comportment and attentiveness to her duties” that warrants recognition.
At Guard For Life, we’re proud to congratulate these two lifeguards for their professional spirit and outstanding dedication to safety.