American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Update

Our training methods are constantly changing, adapting to the most innovative strategies necessary to prevent fatal drownings and water safety incidents. This year, the American Red Cross has updated their lifeguard training course in a few different ways. The Red Cross has updated the course to reflect the latest American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council recommendations.

While there are not many changes to the program, one crucial change made is a quicker, more effective extrication technique to remove passive victims from the water. This, along with other updates to the course, helps progress prevention tactics for fatal drowning and keeps our communities safe.

Look here for our newest Lifeguard Training Instructor Review courses.

As of August 1, 2017, only the new updated ARC Lifeguarding R. 17 course can be taught. Any Lifeguarding R. 12 courses that were taught previous to this change must be submitted to the ARC by August 10 or the course will no longer be valid.

All Lifeguard Instructors must complete the online update in order to teach, and anyone who did not complete the update before August 1 must now pay for the course. Instructors can contact the ARC at 1-800-RED-CROSS to sign up and pay.

What You Need to Know

When is the deadline for Instructors and Instructor Trainers to complete the online update?
July 31, 2017 was the last day for instructors and ITs to update their certifications by completing the Lifeguarding Instructor/Instructor Trainer Update for free. The update will be available through December 31, 2017 with a late registration fee.

In order to maintain their certification, instructors must:

  • Complete all course updates prior to the update deadline.
  • Teach or co-teach at least one of the following core courses of record during the two year certification period
    1. 1. Lifeguarding
      2. Shallow Water Lifeguarding
      3. Successfully complete an in-person 7 hour Lifeguarding Instructor/Instructor Review Trainer Review course prior to instructor certification expiration date.

Instructor Trainers:
To maintain certification as a Lifeguarding Instructor Trainer, ITs must:

  • Complete all course updates prior to the update deadline.
  • Meet one of the following minimum teaching requirements during the 2-year certification period
    1. 1. Teach at least one Lifeguarding Instructor courses of record
      2. Teach at least two Lifeguarding Instructor/Instructor Trainer Review course.
      3. Successfully complete an in-person Lifeguarding Instructor/Instructor course.

Updated Class Ratios:

  • No more than 10 students per Instructor.
  • No less than 5 students to run a Lifeguard Training Course.
  • No less than 4 students to run a CPR Training Course.
  • No less than 6 students to run a Lifeguard Instructor Course.

Visit the American Red Cross website to learn more about these new training updates.

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